Daniel Genkin
Alan and Anne Taetle Early Career Associate Professor



Research Areas:
Hardware and System Security, Side Channel Attacks, Cryptography


Daniel Genkin is an Alan and Anne Taetle Early Career Associate Professor
at the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy at Georgia Tech. Daniel’s research 
interests are in hardware and system security, with a particular focus on 
side channel attacks and defenses. 

Daniel's work has won the Distinguished Paper Award at IEEE Security and Privacy, 
several IEEE Micro Top Picks and Black Hat Pwnie Awards, as well as top-3 paper awards
in multiple conferences. Daniel has been part of the team performing the first 
analysis of speculative and transient execution, resulting in the discovery of 
Spectre, Meltdown, and followups. Daniel has a PhD in Computer Science from 
Technion --- Israel's Institute of Technology.