Upcoming Events

Power of Two

GT Computing Power of Two Event Save the Date

The College of Computing is celebrating the Power of Two in this special day-long event on 2.22.22. The Power of Two is fundamental to computing in two ways: as a reference to binary, and as a way to talk about the strength we have when we work together. There will be multiple student events (with food!) and an 11 a.m. Q&A for students and a 5 p.m. Fireside Chat with the Dean!

Power of Two Schedule

9 -10:30 a.m.| Breakfast for everyone in Computing!... bacon - Klaus Atrium 

11 a.m. -12 p.m. | Computing Student Conversations w/ the Dean - Klaus 1443 

1200pm-130pm | GT Computing Faculty and Staff Lunch - Klaus Atrium

2 -4 p.m. | Afternoon snacks and games for everyone in Computing - Klaus 1116 

2:22 p.m. | Giveaways - Klaus 1116  

5:00 p.m. | In-person Fireside Chat with Dean Isbell - Clough 144
(Join virtually https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/fcqeauxz)

Live stream for Computing, Alumni and OMSCS  

6:30 – 9 p.m. | Reception and Monte Carlo Night - Alumni, Students, Faculty, and Staff - Klaus Atrium and Room 1116
